Monday, November 9, 2009

Autumn Faerie in Pet Society

Charlie likes being a Autumn Faerie! She thinks the outfit is to die for! All of the faerie eggs cost 600 coins and the items resell for different prices. Charlie hasn't been able to buy the Autumn Faerie Shelf, but has managed to get everything else.

For an exact list of resell prices on each item go here.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Happens When You Get All the Bronze Stickers in Pet Society?

Charlie has been secretly hoping that there was some sort of surprise for collecting all of the bronze, silver, or gold stickers; but one of her friends found just what does happen when you collect all of the bronze. She put the last sticker to be collected of the bronze furniture page and an option came up saying to publish the story, but nothing else. It looks like the only thing that happens is you get to brag about it to your other friends. Maybe if she collects all of the gold it will be different, but it seems like a waste of time to Charlie otherwise.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dark Owl in Pet Society

In the nick of time, Charlie found the Dark Owl before the Halloween items vanish from the mystery boxes. Phew . . .